Self Defense?
Self Defense?
Collective Punishment
Self Defense?
Self Defense?

This website is a collection of graphs on the ongoing crisis in Palestine. Can this be described as self-defense?
Decide for yourself.

at least


people have been killed

as a result of Israel's ongoing siege of the Gaza Strip

as of December 14, 2023

Every hour at least


people are killed


children are killed


women are killed


people are injured

So far at least


aid workers have been killed


journalists have been killed

68 days of seige

In under 5 days Israel's shelling killed more people than the total killed in the 7th of October terror attack. Palestinian civilian deaths continue to steadily increase with no sign of slowing. Post the 7 day truce, the mass civilian murders have resumed with a similar unrelenting rate of growth.

over 72% of casualties are vulnerable populations

Israel's indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip has disproportionately affected the most vulnerable, with the latest records showing that over 72% of casualties are women, children, and the elderly.

death and destruction on an unprecedented scale

more children killed than annual totals for all global conflicts

The relentless assault of Gaza has resulted in more children killed than the annual totals of children killed in global conflicts in the past five years as measured by UN reports on Children and armed conflict.

devastating impacts on a whole population

almost half the population of Gaza are children, one of the youngest populations in the world

at least 1 in every 30 residents have been injured or killed by the Israeli assault since the 7th of October. This only reflects officially reported numbers and does not include people who are missing or trapped under rubble. The actual impact of these events is even greater.

over 81% of the total population has been displaced, many with nothing to return to. This means proportionally, Gaza has the largest refugee population in the world.

map of destruction in gaza

around 50% of buildings in northern Gaza have been damaged

between 23% to 30% of the damage inflict on the Gaza Strip is estimated to have happened between 5th of October and the 22nd of November. At this rate of destruction if Israel's bombardment continues there will be no buildings left undamaged within 3 months.

Damage estimates come from analyses of data from European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellite by Corey Scher of the CUNY Graduate Center and Jamon Van Den Hoek of Oregon State University.

a call to Action

This is not a natural disaster. Every life lost, every home destroyed, every child starved, every statistic you see here is a choice made by those in power. We can't look away. The only option for those who value life is a ceasefire. Anything less than that is an unacceptable failing of our shared humanity.


If you are able, please support these organizations providing emergency aid to the Gaza Strip. While there is little aid currently entering, the effects of this assault are long-reaching and will take decades to recover from. Every little bit sent their way will help.

Supporting the oppressed


Our voices are as important as our monetary donations. Contact your local leaders and urge them to support a ceasefire now. Our highest priority must be to put a stop to the senseless death and destruction.

Email writing services


Push back against further Israeli settlements by placing financial pressure on commercial entities that support Israel's actions. We recommend the BDS (boycott, divest, sanctions) approach.

Learn To Boycott Strategically


Palestinian voices are underrepresented in the global conversation and we cannot allow them to be erased in silence. Protest is one way to represent the voiceless. We must bring attention to the acts of the Israeli state and speak out against pro-war leaders and nations; we refuse to let their lies go uncontested.